Call Tracking

What is Call Tracking ?

Identify Which Advertising Campaigns Drive Results

Powerful call tracking for businesses and agencies to advance your marketing strategy


What is Call Tracking?

Ever ask a caller, "how'd you find out about our business?" With call tracking software, you'll know the answer before you pick up the phone. Even better, you'll see which ad, campaign, or keyword got their attention.

Now, imagine the power of knowing why each of your contacts called, every time they reach out. When you understand what makes your phones ring (and texts ping), you'll stop wasting money on what doesn't.

How Call Tracking works

Under the hood, Call Tracking uses dynamic number insertion (DNI) to keep track of online activity like PPC ads, emails, social media posts, and keywords. Source-level tracking follows the calls from offline marketing pieces: ads, mailers, brochures, billboards, and more.

Long story short, if you can put a phone number on it, you can track it.

In addition to revealing the sources behind your calls, you'll also gain access to each lead's name, number, and location (with CallRail, you can record your calls, too).


